Ancient Historiography

La Historia \"magistra uitae\": una reivindicación de su utilidad desde la óptica de la Antigüedad Clásica

Ancient History / Roman History / Roman Historiography / Ancient Historiography

La ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza) en las fuentes históricas

Ancient Historiography / Conservation, Preservation and Site Management of Archaeological Sites / Hispania / Roman Spain / Roman Cities / Roman Archaeology

\"La Liga de Delos en la Alta \'Pentecontecia\': primer repaso a la tendenciosidad de Tucídides\", Polis, 2013, 25, pp. 129-160.

Ancient History / Ancient Historiography / Thucydides / Athenian Imperialism / Ancient Greek History / Pentecontaetia

\"La \'edad de los tiranos\': una aproximación a las ambigüedades de la tiranía arcaica\", Gerión, 2014, 32, pp. 57-77.

Ancient History / Political History / Ancient Historiography / Ancient Greek History / Greek Tyranny


Social Representations / Ancient Historiography / Polybius / Roman imperialism / Representaciones Sociales

Comprender el Pasado: una historia de la escritura y del pensamiento histórico

Medieval Historiography / Ancient Historiography / History of Historiography / Modern and Postmodern Historiography / Early Modern Historiography / Late Antique, Early Byzantine History and Historiography

Descubrimiento arqueológico de la antigua Ugarit

Ancient Historiography / Ugaritic Studies

Reflexiones historiográficas sobre el Orientalismo Antiguo

Ancient Historiography / Ancient Near Eastern History

Los bárbaros en la historiografía europea de los siglos III al X, revisión 2015

History / Historiography / Ancient Historiography / Barbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages / Historiografía europea / Los bárbaros en la historiografía

La Cultura Ibérica ayer y hoy

Ancient Historiography / Arqueología Ibérica / Iberos

Jorge López Quiroga: ¿Sabían los Bárbaros que eran Bárbaros? Nuestra imagen de las \'Gentes Barbarae\' a través de las fuentes, 2011, 19-36.

History / Archaeology / Roman Historiography / Historiography / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Medieval Archaeology / Early Medieval History / Ancient Historiography / Late Antiquity / History of Historiography / Arqueología / Barbarians Perception / Barbarians / Historia / Barbarian societies / Arqueologia / Barbaricum / Barbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans / Early Medieval Archaeology / Early Medieval History / Ancient Historiography / Late Antiquity / History of Historiography / Arqueología / Barbarians Perception / Barbarians / Historia / Barbarian societies / Arqueologia / Barbaricum / Barbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans

El legado de Tucídides en la cultura occidental. Discursos e historia, Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Clássicos, coll. \"Humanitas Supplementum\" nº 10, 2011.

Ancient History / Greek Literature / History and Classical tradition studies / Ancient Historiography / The Classical Tradition / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Antiquity / Classical Tradition in Modern Culture / Classical Tradition / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Antiquity / Classical Tradition in Modern Culture / Classical Tradition / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages

(2014) Cerámica de época visigoda. Una Historia de la investigación.

Pottery (Archaeology) / Medieval Historiography / Historiography / Ancient Historiography / Visigothic Spain / History of Archaeology
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